アルコールは適量に節度を持って愉しみましょう。ヴーヴ・クリコは、ワイン&スピリッツの責任ある飲酒のため、モエ ヘネシーが加盟するspirits EUROPE、discus、Wine in Moderationの活動をサポートしています。
Sabrina Goldin is originally from Argentina. She’s the co-founder (with her husband, Stéphane Abby), of the Parisian restaurant Carbon. An ode to sharing and nature, the restaurant perfectly reflects the values of the couple. And in the kitchen, Sabrina makes use of the most ancient cooking element in the world – fire. Héloïse Brion worked in fashion before dedicating herself to cooking and founding the famous website Miss Maggie's Kitchen, where she shares recipes and tips with culinary arts enthusiasts. Irene Berni is an Italian entrepreneur. She runs a bed & breakfast and is the author of cookbooks.
They are game-changers, they are shaping the future with true optimism, and they own an authentic voice. Let them inspire you as they make their dreams a reality. Discover the new recipes.